Things I just rant on about.
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Since September 2014, I’ve been going to EHS (2014-2015) and RHA (2015-2016), which are the same school. Last year, Dover house won the Sports Day, with 346 points in total. They also won the House of the Year. This year, Dover house also won the 2016 Sports Day. In 2014, I joined the EHS (I can't put the whole name of my school, as it's privacy reasons). And without knowing, someone told me that I was in Dover house. And it was my sticker. And I saw my form tutor, when I was doing my first set of CAT tests for September. In September, we had to stay all day with our form tutor. Everyone there was new to me and not in a million years I thought that I’m going to be bestest of mates. Especially with one of them:
And now, he actually hangs out with, let's say clever kids - sorry guys. And now, I’ve known him for nearly 2 bloody years. It's so fascinating how time flies so quick. I still remember the first week of Secondary school, like it was yesterday. But let's return to the Sports Day - 2016 event :
And that is the end of the blog… see you later today to talk to you about the last day of the Academic Year 2015/16. *If you haven't noticed yet, it's another word for cool kids. This word was also used in Bugsy Malone, just FYI.
September 2017
Make sure that you check out my posts at the following times: |