Things I just rant on about.
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Yesterday, it was the funniest day of my life. This was the only day that actually laughed properly. Let's see if that happens anytime soon. Well, quite of a situation happened yesterday, in Drama. We were very serious, as the landscape was very serious. If you are a documentary kind of person, you might have heard of The Risk - I think. It’s about a plane crashing down. And actually, they crash into a unknown island. We had to recreate the scene, after we had to watch the scene of the crash. There were 2 groups : the teachers - who were the staff of the airport - and us, the pupils, who actually were the passengers of the plane. After we founded out that one of the passengers had drugs on him, and doing them in the toilet, the crash started. Anthony, the victim, decided that he would not “fasten his seatbelt”. And actually, without noticing, he found himself under a whiteboard. Both of the teachers laughed, and the rest of the class couldn't stop laughing . Myself and a mate of mine couldn't stop laughing either. There was a point where tears came out of our eyes. Today, Anthony didn't came to school, either because he was caught staring at a girl, which he told others that he was embarrassed or he was ill. The other reason might be that he was embarrassed because of what happened in Drama. Tomorrow, I will talk about something very exciting that it's happening next week.
September 2017
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