Things I just rant on about.
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Hi everyone,
Today, I thought that I would do a more fun - hopefully - blog post, rather than serious blog post.
As you can see by the title of this post, I'm doing the My First Time tag. And, don't worry, it's not about what you think it is.
There are gonna be 10 questions in this tag, and I will answer them, as I can remember.
There are no tagging people to do these - as I don't know anyone, even thought I've been doing the blog for over a year now.
So, without further ado, let's start the tag.
First Tweet
As I have two accounts - and one of them is from my blog - I think it is only fair that I would do the first tweet, on my blog account, which was the one where I had to tell people that I was going to launch a blog.
First YouTube video you remember watching
The first YouTube video that I remember watching was the music video of Naturally by Selena Gomez - is that even a video??
And I can't believe it has been less than 8 years since it was released - major throwback and excellent track, as well.
First person to text me today
The first person to text me was my friend Cassie, and she said thanks, because I've sent her something about Riverdale, and she is obsessed with Riverdale.
First time on the plane
My first time on the plane was on 5th May 2012 - yes, I remember it - and I was on my way to a super long holiday around England.
First film you remember watching
I don't quite remember, but I think the first film I remember watching was either Titanic or Ghost Ship. I think I was about 6 or 7 years old.
Your first best friend
My first best friend was called Raluca. She lives in Romania, and we used to live next to each other. We would hang out 24/7, and stay up most of the night, in the summer.
As I haven't been in Romania for the past 4 years, I didn't get a chance to see how's she doing. We still do talk, but not that often, and I want to tell her that I miss her :(
The first thing you do in the morning
The first thing I do in the morning is that I check my phone for any notifications - and my alarm.
First detention
The first ever detention I had was a class detention. It was Maths, and as everyone was just messing about, the teacher decided that she would just keep us standing up, and counted how many minutes we were wasting.
In the end, we had wasted exactly 22 minutes of her time, so she decided that she would waste our time, by giving all of us 22 minutes detention - which wasn't fair for the class members, including me.
Considering I was one of the best pupils in that class, we all had to stay the full 22 minutes.
And so far, that was the only detention I ever had.
First YouTuber you started watching
You all probably know this, but the first YouTuber I started properly watching was Alfie Deyes - aka PointlessBlog.
Last, but not least
First celebrity crush
This might sound weird, but the first celebrity crush I had was Selena Gomez, when she played Alex Russo, in Wizards of Waverly Place - they were good times.
And that concludes the blog post. Thanks so much for reading this. I'll see you on Wednesday, with another blog post :)
I don't have anyone that I have tagged, but if you have someone that you want to see them doing, make sure you leave a comment, down below
September 2017
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