Things I just rant on about.
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Normally, I don't post on these days, but if I do...
Wednesday and Friday at 6:10pm
Saturday at 3:30pm
Currently, at this time (6.10pm - or later) I’m at my auntie’s house to do a Barbecue. I think that this is the first time I posted 2 blog posts in a day. I’m very proud of myself - finally, a day that I’ve done what I actually have thought about but either I didn’t have any time or didn’t feel like doing one. So, what should we do tomorrow??? Well, I thought that I might share some of tomorrow’s Bank Holiday photos that I might be taking on my SnapChat app. Currently, I’m running out of ideas of what I want to write. As tomorrow is Bank Holiday, I’m going to be off school, which is very good - or as I say it, ‘very sick’ . Do you remember when I told you I thought I had a doctor’s appointment? Well, on Friday, I actually had a doctor’s appointment to see if I had anything wrong with my knee. Fortunately, I didn’t, which is very good. My doctor said that every teenager in this whole wide world will have either a knee clicked or any bond in the body clicked. She told me and my mum that if it happens again, we should come straight back at her and we could have a physiotherapist for me, to ‘repair my knee’ - but hopefully, IT WILL NOT. Well, I think that today is a wrap .🔚 Make sure that you tune in tomorrow for Bank Holiday blog posts - at 1.10pm and 6.10pm !
September 2017
Make sure that you check out my posts at the following times: |